Category Archives: Engleza avansati

Lectia a 25-a engleza grupa mixta – 03.12.2014

• 25 De aceea vă spun: nu vă îngrijoraţi de viaţa voastră, gândindu-vă ce veţi mânca sau ce veţi bea; nici de trupul vostru, gândindu-vă cu ce vă veţi îmbrăca. Oare nu este viaţa mai mult decât hrana, şi trupul mai mult decât îmbrăcămintea?
• Ps 55.22; Luc 12.22-23; Filip 4.6; 1Pet 5.7;
• 26 Uitaţi-vă la păsările cerului: ele nici nu seamănă, nici nu seceră şi nici nu strâng nimic în grânare; şi totuşi Tatăl vostru cel ceresc le hrăneşte. Oare nu sunteţi voi cu mult mai de preţ decât ele?
• Iov 38.41; Ps 147.9; Luc 12.24;
• 27 Şi apoi, cine dintre voi, chiar îngrijorându-se, poate să adauge măcar un cot la înălţimea lui?
• • 28 Şi de ce vă îngrijoraţi de îmbrăcăminte? Uitaţi-vă cu băgare de seamă cum cresc crinii de pe câmp: ei nici nu torc, nici nu ţes;
• • 29 totuşi vă spun că nici chiar Solomon, în toată slava lui, nu s-a îmbrăcat ca unul din ei.
• • 30 Aşa că, dacă astfel îmbracă Dumnezeu iarba de pe câmp, care astăzi este, dar mâine va fi aruncată în cuptor, nu vă va îmbrăca El cu mult mai mult pe voi, puţin credincioşilor?
• • 31 Nu vă îngrijoraţi, dar, zicând: „Ce vom mânca?” sau: „Ce vom bea?” sau: „Cu ce ne vom îmbrăca?”
• • 32 Fiindcă toate aceste lucruri Neamurile le caută. Tatăl vostru cel ceresc ştie că aveţi trebuinţă de ele.
• • 33 Căutaţi mai întâi Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu şi neprihănirea Lui, şi toate aceste lucruri vi se vor da pe deasupra.
• 1Imp 3.13; Ps 37.25; Marc 10.30; Luc 12.31; 1Tim 4.8;
• 34 Nu vă îngrijoraţi, dar, de ziua de mâine; căci ziua de mâine se va îngrijora de ea însăşi. Ajunge zilei necazul ei.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Textul de la lectia de engleza din 29.11.2014, The Carmel Alert

Josie’s Comment: Every Knee Shall Bow
Isaiah 60:14 Also the sons of your afflicters shall come bowing to you; and all your despisers will bow down at the soles of your feet. And they will call you, The city of Jehovah, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
Since the end of the summer war with Hamas in Gaza, there is a very clear shift in the level of public hatred against Israel and a significant increase in the level of politcal pressure coming against the government of Israel. This ushers in a new era for Israel and the Jewish people. It is apparent that a quiet and peaceful existance for Israel is not yet on the horizon, the visible one at least.
While I was in Germany several years ago, I was reading a book and I came across a scripture in that book from Isaiah 60:14 “Also the sons of those who afflicted you, shall come bowing to you, and all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet. Instantly, when I read this, and specifically when I read the part “shall come bowing to you” the story of Joseph flashed through my mind .
When I read these words the scripture from Genesis 37:7 also came across my mind … “Then behold my sheaf arose and also stood upright, and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed to my sheaf”. What a picture of Israel and the nations today ! Just as Joseph’s brothers hated him and could not speak peaceably to him (Genesis37:4) and despised him, so the Muslim Arab nations (Israel’s brother) and most of the other nations of the world today, virulently hate and despise Israel. It is interesting to note also in verse 3 of this chapter, that it says Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children, a parallel of God’s unconditional love and favor when He chose Israel to be His special people, simply because He loved them (Deuteronomy 7:6-8).
The nations that despise, hate and afflict Israel, will, as it is written in Is 60.14 (and just as it came true in the story of Joseph) eventually come and bow and fall prostrate at the feet of The Holy One of Israel. Just as Joseph was to the nations around him in that time, a provider and sustainer of life, and everyone, who wanted to survive, came to him and bowed before him, to receive grain and wheat. So it will surely be in that day, as written, that everyone who wants to receive life and be sustained will need to come Up to Zion to receive their portion and will also bow before the One who will release sustenance. It will be just as it is written in Jeremiah 31:12 “Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, streaming to the goodness of the Lord, for wheat , wine and oil. I believe the spiritual interpretation of those three commodities, is The Word, Joy, and Annointing. The nations will come for natural and spiritual provision.
Oh, what a day that will be. God’s word is true and it will come to pass. What a privilege we all have in this day, to come and worship and bow down before The Lord God our maker. Let’s continue to intercede and stand in the gap . My prayer is . Lord help us to have a Joseph spirit – to be faithful, committed, to endure,, to trust You, and to have eyes of vision and a spirit full of faith, that we might all see the “dream” for Israel finally be fulfilled.
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Please pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Please also pray for a major break-through to the Muslim world, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF – they are defending and fighting for the soon coming of Messiah and the Kingdom of God.

Lectia a 24-a engleza grupa mixta – 29.11.2014

– partea a 2-a interviul de angajare

• As you are about to enter the interview room take 2 or 3 deep breaths to calm your nerves. You will do better if you are relaxed and have a calm mind.
• Your preparation for the job interview should be taken seriously. The competition against another candidate with a better qualification is fierce. Preparation helps you keep what’s in your mind, and not slip it when you’re in a most uncomfortable position. An interview is the key before a company hires you, so you better discover how to sell yourself before meeting with the prospective employer.
• Don’t be afraid to be confident. Set your mind to why you are the best candidate for the job. If you truly feel that way, it’s likely you’ll pass the sentiment on to your interviewer.
• When you are introduced to the panel of interviewers, shake hands firmly with each person, create eye contact with each person & say that you are pleased to meet them, and smile as you say so.
• Don’t say something you’ll regret later. Think before you speak.
• If the venue is far from your place of residence, stop in the washroom when you arrive to reset your hair, tie, etc.
• Don’t play with your chair while waiting to be called.
• Start preparing for the interview well before the interview day. Thorough preparation is a prerequisite to success in any interview. Ideally, start preparing about a month before the interview. If that isn’t possible, start preparing as soon as you are able.
• Don’t munch on junk food while waiting for the interview. You wouldn’t want to offer a crumb-covered or sticky hand to the interviewer.


Interview tips: How to prepare for an interview
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Essential advice on getting ready for a job interview, polishing your technique and calming your interview nerves…
What do I need to do before an interview?
Give yourself plenty of time to:
• research the role and the organisation;
• think about how well your experience, interests and skills fit the job and the organisation;
• research current affairs and trends in your job sector;
• find out what the prospective employer is actually looking for;
• anticipate questions you might be asked, then prepare answers to these questions;
• find out what form the interview will take, e.g. single, panel, group etc.
You should also:
• plan the day of the interview, especially your journey with an aim to arrive ten minutes early. Take money in case you need to take a taxi or bus unexpectedly; carry an A-Z street map or put the postcode of the organisation into Google maps on your mobile to prevent getting lost;
• decide what you will wear and set it out the night before. Suits and business wear are the best option with comfortable, polished shoes;
• get an early night – we all perform better when fully awake.
How do I make a good impression at a job interview?
Stand out for all the right reasons by ensuring you:
• arrive on time or better still early;
• are organised. Take your application letter, CV and examples of work (if appropriate) with you;
• listen carefully to questions and answer them concisely;
• highlight your best attributes in the interview. Before you go, think about what you want the interviewer to know about you (in relation to the job) during the interviewing process;
• pay attention to the way you communicate. There’s evidence to suggest that non-verbal communication overpowers verbal communication so if you describe yourself as confident and outgoing but speak inaudibly and avoid eye contact, the interviewer will read the latter as indicating a lack of confidence and disregard what you said about being confident;
• practise anything you’re concerned about. This could be saying your answers aloud, which builds confidence in hearing yourself speak, or having a trial run of the journey to the interview.
What techniques can I use to control my nerves?
In interviews, nerves can make you forget to do simple things such as smile and listen, which can result in being thought of as unfriendly or inattentive. You’re more likely to be nervous if you’re inadequately prepared so as well as following our advice above, you should:
• give yourself time to think about what unique qualities you will bring to the job/organisation;
• think of practical examples to demonstrate what you have achieved and draw upon all aspects of your working, educational and social life;
• write notes and take these along to the interview;
• use cues in your notes to highlight examples that you want to draw upon, such as ‘cricket team’, ‘course representative’, ‘sales job’;
• be aware of the structure of the interview. Interviews often begin with topics that are easier to answer because you need less time to think, such as ‘tell us about your studies at university’;
• pause before answering a difficult question in order to give yourself time to think;
• use positive language, as interviewers will be assessing your motivation and enthusiasm;
• ask for clarification if, at first, you’re unsure of what the question means;
• breathe.
Where can I practise my interview skills?
Your university careers and employability service is likely to provide practice interview sessions.
Alternatively, you could:
• practise your answers (to anticipated questions) with someone you trust and seek feedback but don’t be overly self-critical;
• use non-job interviews as opportunities to practise and monitor your interview skills, e.g. discussions with your tutor, doctor etc.;
• ask for feedback and advice after unsuccessful interviews and take it as an opportunity to learn and improve;
• pay a private company to provide interview practice.
Plan your answers to common interview questions.
What should I take to a job interview?
• In general you will not need more than your own letter of application and CV, the job specification/description and your own notes.
• Your invitation to interview should detail everything you need to bring. Often employers request examination certificates, which can take time to locate, so make sure you check what you need in plenty of time.
• You might wish to impress by reading up on the organisation’s literature, e.g. a business plan or corporate social responsibility strategy, but make sure you have read it in depth and be prepared to share your views and ideas.
• A pen and notebook are always worth carrying with you and, if giving a presentation, take a copy on a data stick even if you have emailed it beforehand, along with copies of the slides to use as handouts for the interview panel.
• If you take a mobile phone, make sure it is switched to silent or off before entering the organisation.
What is a competency-based interview?
This type of interview is one where the interviewer seeks evidence that you have the skills and experience required to do the job.
Interviews that take this form involve questions developed around the job and person specifications, so think carefully about examples from your own experience that match or complement these specifications.

Remember that you can use examples from contexts other than work, for example, you may never have worked in a team in the same type of organisation but you have participated in teams elsewhere.
It’s important to show an ability or interest in being able to learn new skills; if you are asked about something that is outside your experience, describe a situation where you learned something new and suggest you can do so again.
How do I prepare for a phone interview?
Phone interviews are most often used as a preliminary screen. When preparing for the interview it’s important to consider:
• tone of voice – ensure you’re enthusiastic and use positive language;
• battery life – if using your mobile charge it fully before the interview;
• location – find a quiet place for the interview, where you will be undisturbed by noise or others.
Phone interviews are often recorded so you may want to find out whether yours will be. It’s important to pay particular attention to getting your key messages across quickly – write key attributes down and have this available during the phone call. Be willing to repeat these with the use of examples.
More recently, there has been an increase in Skype or video interviews. This is particularly likely if applying for jobs overseas or where key staff are located overseas.
Remember to dress as you would for a face-to-face interview and check what else will be in the shot with you before the interview begins.
How do I prepare for a second interview?
A second interview means you have made it through the initial screening and the interviewer is now looking for:
• evidence that you have the skills, abilities and interest to carry out the job;
• confirmation that you are able to bring something of value to the organisation.
It’s likely that questioning will focus on gathering a deeper understanding of you and your motivations and how these fit with the role, existing team of staff and organisational ethos. Therefore, in order to prepare:
• find out as much as you can about the challenges that face the organisation, its priorities, its markets, its competitors, any existing or new legislative arrangements, etc.;
• think about what you could bring to the organisation and prepare examples of how you have achieved (or learned) something of relevance;
• find ways to demonstrate enthusiasm for the goals of the organisation.
Further information
A typical interview often involves more than a conversation with your future employer. Find out what tests and exercises to expect and how to prepare for them:
• Assessment centres
• Psychometric tests
• More interview tests and exercises

Now that you have an interview, there are certain things you will want to do in advance to prepare for it. This article will provide practical tips on how to prepare for a job interview. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so you’ll want to do you best on preparing for your interview in advance.
Pick out what you are going to wear on your job interview:
What you wear on your interview is an absolutely crucial part of how to prepare for a job interview. After you choose your outfit, make sure it is cleaned and pressed and you have the appropriate accessories and shoes to go with it. It doesn’t hurt to try the outfit on ahead of time, just to make sure everything fits and you look great. Then put your outfit aside for day of your interview and have it ready to go. Now that you have this crucial step out of the way, you can concentrate on the rest.
Practice greeting your interviewer:
You should always greet your interview with friendly smile and firm handshake. If you do this right, you will set off the right energy and the chances of the interview going well will increase. This is a small and simple step that you should always to do to prepare for your interview.
Study your resume and know everything on it:
Any work experience or skills you have listed on your resume are fair game to talk about during the interview. Your resume is all the interviewer has to go by in order to get to know you. They may pick things out from it and ask you to elaborate. Even though you may have a previous job listed that was many years ago, the interviewer may ask you to explain what you did at that job and your are responsible for providing an answer. This is one step you absolutely won’t want to skip on how to prepare for a job interview.
Practice your answers to the most common interview questions:
If you don’t know what these are, do your research and find out or see one of my other articles. You’ll want to have your answers ready and practice them. You should always be able to answer “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you think you would be great for this job?” The employer doesn’t know, so it’s up to you to sell it.
Don’t completely memorize your answers so they come out rehearsed, but have a clear idea of what you are going to say. When you are asked, you want your answer to come out intelligently and natural. Be open to other questions as well and really know what you can offer to the company.
Research the company and the job position you are applying for:
Write down any questions you may have about either so you can ask during the interview. If there any requirement of the job that you are unsure of, you should definitely ask during the interview. It always looks nice when you go into an interview with intelligent questions. It shows you put effort in preparing for the interview. However, never ask questions just to ask questions. The interviewer will see right through that. Your questions should be genuine and relevant.
Find out the type of interview you will be going on:
There are several common types of interviews such as one on one, group, and behavioral. You shouldn’t assume you will get a certain one. Don’t be afraid to ask your recruiter what kind of interview will have if you don’t know – the interview will be more beneficial to both parties if you are prepared.
READ MORE: 6 Interview Types You Must Know as a Candidate
Print out the directions to the interview and be on time:
Allow enough time to get there and anticipate traffic. It’s ok to be up to 10 minutes early, but no more than that. Otherwise, the interviewer may not be ready for you. Bring the phone number of your interviewer just in case you get lost or are going to be late. If you are going to be late, call to let the interviewer know.
Follow these tips and you will successfully know how to prepare for a job interview. Interviewers can tell whether or not a candidate has prepared for it or not and they will appreciate it if you did.
Related: Job Interview Makes for Great Conversation.
photo by: Stf.O

Lectia a 23-a engleza – grupa mixta – 26.11.2014

The Interview – text

The interview may be anything from an almost casual conversation on a factory floor to a formal appearance in front of an employer or even a group of selectors. It’s easy enough to say: be natural, be yourself. But how can you be, especially if it’s your first interview. You are keen to make a good impression, so you’ll be conventionally dressed and give a clear description of your background and record and perhaps of your hopes for the future. Just because you are keen on the job, as your prospective employer talks about the work you’ll find that your nerves will slide away. If that doesn’t happen either your interest has not been really aroused or you’ve got hold of a dull employer and in either case the job is not for you.   

1. Sample Job Interview Questions and Responses
Job Interview Questions and Responses
Q: How will you advance this company?
This question should be answered with some tangible examples. Provide facts to support the talent you will claim to bring. Make sure you offer skills that will actually be useful to them.
A: My expertise in accounting has saved thousands and, in some cases, millions of dollars for the different companies I’ve worked with. With the welfare of the very infrastructure at stake, every penny counts, and I make it my priority to account for each of those pennies. As noted on my resume, I was responsible for sourcing a funds leak disguised as a supplies expense account at Innitech Corp. I can bring that same relentless scrutiny to the books here.
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
This is a good opportunity to be honest and incorporate your goals and priorities into the conversation.
A. I don’t really plan my life by year or by month. My goal is to continue developing useful software and applications for the open source community and keep learning. So, if I had to say, I’d like to still be learning in ten years. I’d like to have contributed enough useful programs to provide a whole new generation of coders with the tools they need to make life easier. I don’t really believe in retirement either, so I plan on doing this as long as I’m up and running.
Q: Why did you choose this company?
Potential employers don’t just want someone talented. They want to see if you’ll mesh with the company.
A: This has been my dream company all along. I’ve been building up my experience and developing my talent so that I could qualify for a position here. The people are genuine and among the most talented in the world, you value progress and cultivating a community of learning, and the focus is on quality work rather than arbitrary rules of conduct and performance quotas. Everyone is here because they want to be here, and they’re the best at what they do. The sense of responsibility and high standards fits in perfectly with my values.
Q: Why are you the best person for this position?
Don’t be afraid to stroke your own ego here. Don’t say anything self depreciating. Focus on this position in this company. Why shouldn’t they hire someone else?
A: I’m the best for this position here because I’ve been following this company’s progress for years. Any time there was a new release or you were mentioned in the news, I was all over it. I already know the infrastructure and history of this place like the back of my hand. Not only was my latest project focused specifically on the new language developed here, but I’ve been implementing it in my own personal work since its release six months ago. I can see being here for a very long time if the company continues in the direction it’s going.
Q: What is your biggest flaw?
Don’t panic! They’re not trying to trick you here. Everyone has flaws. What they want to know is if it will interfere with your work and whether or not you’re doing anything about it.
I tend to be a bit too polite. When you’re too nice, people perceive you as a bit of a pushover. While I would never be rude to anyone, I try to keep the small talk from become excessive in order to maintain a “no-nonsense” reputation.

Types of Strengths Examples Sample Answer
Job-specific – computer skills
– technical training
– product/industry knowledge “One of my greatest strengths is my proficiency with Microsoft Excel. I have a tremendous amount of experience working with the program.”
Transferrable – proficient in a language
– written or oral communication skills
– problem solving “I have often been praised for my ability to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to problems facing my team or work group.”
Personal characteristics – punctual
– self-motivated
– adaptable “I am excellent at adapting to changes and becoming comfortable in new settings. This has benefitted me greatly in my career as a travel nurse.”

Types of Weaknesses Examples Sample Answer
Those unrelated to the position you’re seeking – fear of speaking before groups, if the job doesn’t require it
– lack of computer skills, if the job doesn’t require the use of one “I have learned through other jobs I’ve held that I am not a gifted salesman. That’s one of the reasons I am looking forward to the potential to change careers.”
Those that can be turned into positives – lack of attention to detail, as a result of seeing too much of the big picture
– difficulty multi-tasking, due to an intense focus on the task at hand “Because I concentrate so much on what I’m doing, I often have a hard time juggling interruptions and other things that come up.”
Those that you’re working to improve – learning to delegate and spend less time on assignments
– spelling “I’m such a perfectionist by nature that I sometimes spend much more time on tasks that necessary. As a result, I’ve learned to keep a large clock on my desk. By giving myself small deadlines all day, I make sure I don’t waste too much time.


Do Don’t
Start preparing early. Take as much time as you have available to you. Wait until the last minute.
Do your homework. Learn as much as you can about the company and the interviewers. Go in knowing nothing about the industry or the position for which you’re interviewing.
Be prepared. Anticipate likely interview questions and plan your answers. Be caught off guard. A lack of preparation makes you seem like you don’t want the job.
Make a good first impression. Show up early and looking well dressed and well rested. Arrive late or looking disheveled.
Practice everything from your handshake to your introduction. Fumble for words or sound unsure of yourself because you haven’t rehearsed.
Answer questions completely honestly. Paint yourself in the best light, but remain humble and brief. Exaggerate or lie about your accomplishments. Droning on about your achievements can make you look phony.
Remain polite, respectful, and positive. Badmouth former employers or complain about prior jobs you’ve held.
Have educated questions for the interviewers. Ask questions for the sake of asking, or ask something you could have found out on your own.
Follow up with a thank-you note after the interview and an email later if you haven’t heard from them. Hound the hiring manager, as it could hurt your chances.


Dear Mr. /Ms.

Thank you for taking time out to talk to me on for the position of . It was a real pleasure meeting with you, and I truly appreciate the time you took to acquaint me with your team members. I am even more enthusiastic about the possibility of working at .

After talking with you and meeting people at the organization, I easily realized how well you infuse energy into your team on a daily basis. I believe such practices instill a sense of ownership in each employee. I was delighted to hear from you that my personality, skills, and qualifications are a great match for this opportunity. I am eager to bring my considerable skills to the job and apply my positive attitude to achieve exceptional performance for the company.

I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of a long-term career with . Please feel free to contact me at or by phone at . I look forward to hearing from you about next steps in the hiring process.


Part 1 of 3: Before the Interview
Research the company’s profile and background. Start by looking into their future goals and plans. Conducting the interview with this in mind will make you seem like a good long-term investment. You should also be ready to talk in depth about the industry, the organization, and the position you are applying for.
o Learn your interviewer’s name and job position before going to the interview. You may need to call the company to find out.
o Talk to current employees. Show initiative while getting a feel for the office environment. Learn as much as you can about the company from people who work there.
o Know as much about the company as possible. You can’t change your employment history or your qualifications, but you can work harder than every other applicant by being supremely knowledgeable about the company. Use the company’s website, their annual report, and newspaper/business magazine articles to gather as much information as possible.
Think of questions to ask your interviewer. Participating actively during the interview gives a good impression of your level of interest in the job. It’s a good idea to come prepared with at least three thought-provoking questions to ask your interviewer. (Avoid asking anything that could be easily answered through a quick internet search, or you will simply come across as lazy.)
o Ask questions that reflect your interest in future prospects. “Which are new markets the company is planning to explore in next couple of years?” or “What are the chances for professional growth in this job opportunity?” Both show that you want to be on the same page as the people you’ll be working for.
o Ask questions to bond with the interviewer and project your enthusiasm. Inquire about his/her position and background or how long (s)he has been with the company.
o Ask questions about what is discussed during the interview itself. Though you may be tempted to respond to everything with an “Absolutely!” or a “Sure thing!” to show how competent you are, this will actually make it look like you’re not listening. Show that you are paying attention by asking for more details whenever something isn’t clear. (Avoid asking questions for the sake of asking, though, or it’ll seem like you can’t keep up.)
Practice with a friend. If you have a friend who is also preparing for an interview, consider preparing together. Not only will this give you a way to structure your preparation, but it will also help you get comfortable with giving answers, telling anecdotes, and using appropriate terminology. Practice giving concise, complete answers and maintaining eye contact with the interviewer(s) while you give them. Make sure you aren’t speaking too slow or too fast and that your answers are stated with confidence.
o Get feedback from a friend. Even if you think their feedback isn’t on the mark, it’s something to consider: We don’t always know how we come off to other people, and the actual interviewer could share some of the same concerns.
o Know basically what you want to talk about before the interview. If you’re stumbling and fumbling for an answer on a very basic question, you’re not putting your best foot forward. Have your very basic answers down pat, and anticipate some of the tougher questions before you step into the interview.
Anticipate questions from the interviewer. It’s best to prepare for a wide variety of questions by thinking about your own career goals, long-term plans, past successes, and work strengths, but you should also brace yourself for the deceptively simple questions that most employers like to throw at their interviewees.
o “What’s your biggest weakness?” is a classic canned interview question that many people dread. Answering this question is a bit of a tightrope walk: While you don’t want to be too honest (“I have a really hard time staying motivated”), you won’t fool anyone by trying to spin an obviously good quality into a weakness (“I just can’t bear to do less-than-outstanding work!”). Instead, think of a genuine issue you have as well as ways you have managed to work with/around it (“I’m not naturally a very organized thinker, but I’ve become very organized on paper and in my personal space as a result”).
o “Where do you see yourself in five years?” is another common question that can take you off guard if you don’t see it coming. Your panicked reaction might be to blurt out, “Working diligently for you, of course!” but unless you are actually trying to get a job in your chosen career, this probably isn’t a good strategy. If you’re going after what will clearly be a short-term job – or even one that lasts only several years – be honest about what your greater aspirations are (ex. going back to school, starting your own business); ambition is a very desirable trait in an employee – to say nothing of honesty.
o “Why do you want this job?” is so straightforward it can throw you for a loop. If you’re going into a field you care about, you will have a much easier time answering this. However, if, like many people, you’re just trying to make ends meet, you can answer the question by using it as a way of highlighting your skills (“I shine in fast-paced, high-pressure situations and would love to have the opportunity to cultivate my talents here”).
o “Why did you leave your last job?” is a common question that shouldn’t be hard to answer provided that you didn’t have a major blowout with your previous employer. If you did, be honest (without being bitter or laying blame, as this will make you look ungracious and hard to work with) and try to put a positive spin on things.
o Don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t know something. While you definitely want to seem knowledgeable, don’t lie to make it seem like you know something you don’t. You probably won’t fool your interviewer, and admitting to not knowing something is much more impressive than lying during your interview. If need be, just acknowledge that you do not know the answer but will find out more about it and let them know afterwards.
Part 2 of 3: The Day of the Interview
1. 1
Dress-for-work. In any workplace, your wardrobe is a sign of your professionalism and is sometimes used to gauge your level of competence. When your coworkers and customers look at you, they should immediately feel comfortable working with you. It’s easy to rule yourself out of a job just because you didn’t take care of your appearance. As a rule of thumb, you should dress for the interview the way you would for the job itself. If the job is unusually casual, however, you might want to show up in business-casual clothes, but it’s always better to be formal. Both men and women should choose subdued colors (blues, browns, grays, black) which make a professional impression. Make sure that your clothes are lint- and wrinkle-free. Avoid wearing perfume, after-shave, or scented lotion (but do wear deodorant).
For women. Dressing professionally means wearing a smart knee-length skirt suit in a dark color, along with sheer, non-patterned hosiery, closed toe shoes and subtle makeup.
For men. Choose a white shirt, dark-colored suit and tie and dark-colored shoes.[1]]
o Applicants in the service sector may sometimes be invited to wear business casual to an interview, although business formal is optional and usually best. For women, this means a simple, knee length dress with conservative shoes (no jeans). For men, this means dark or khaki pants with a collared button-up and leather shoes.[1]
o If you’re unsure of the customary interview clothing expected by the company, simply ask the HR rep or interview liaison. There’s no shame in it. There is shame in feeling horribly under-dressed when you show up for an interview.
4. 4
Show up in the best possible shape. Make sure you know exactly how to get there and, if you drive, just where to park so that you can arrive 15 to 20 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Go to bed early the day (or the days) before the interview so that you look rested and healthy on the big day. Bring an extra copy of your resume, CV, and/or references in case your interviewer wants to go over any points with you or neglects to bring their own copy.
o If the interview is in the morning, be sure to eat a healthy breakfast. This is not just an empty suggestion. A breakfast high in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and foods high in vitamin E, such as nuts and seeds, will help improve brain function and leave you feeling more alert and invigorated.[2]
o Consider exercising before the interview to annihilate stress and increase blood flow.[3] If you’re generally nervous or fidgety before an interview, it might be a good idea to work out before your interview. Go hard for an hour, and give your body at least another hour to calm down. Shower after exercising.
Show courtesy to everyone during the interview. This means everyone from the reception staff to the interviewer herself. You never know who has input in the hiring process, and you can only make a first impression once.
o Look everyone in the eye and smile. Looking people in the eye will telegraph alertness, and smiling will signal friendliness.
o Speak clearly and say “please” and “thank you.” Make sure the people you talk to during the interview can make out what you’re saying. Talking audibly, with good enunciation, tells people you’re confident, while good manners tells them you’re considerate of other people.
o Don’t noodle around on your phone or electronic device while waiting. In fact, leave it in your car. Even though it’s practically acceptable, playing around on your phone can communicate boredom and frivolousness (even if that’s not the case). Stick with a book or review your notes while waiting.
Be honest. Many people think that an interview is the perfect time to embellish. While you want to structure your answers so that your best, most qualified aspects take center stage, you don’t want to deceive or outright lie. Companies do perform background checks, and lying about your experience is simply not worth it.
o In a pinch, take a cue from politicians. When a politician hears a question they don’t like, they simply answer a different question. You don’t want to do this all the time, but you can do it in a pinch.
Keep things simple and short. Talking about yourself can be very difficult to do well: You’re trying to convince someone you don’t know that you’re qualified for a position without sounding too cocky or pompous. Stick to what you know well, and keep things short and sweet.
o Structure your answers so that you’re talking in 30-90 second chunks. Any less and you’re likely to seem unqualified; any more and your interviewer is likely to lose interest in what you’re saying. In the “tell me about yourself” question, highlight 2-3 illustrative examples about yourself before wrapping up. [4]
o Don’t use slang or off-color humor during your interview. It’s important not to say “awesome” or “rad” during an interview, unless you’re interviewing for the local lifeguard position. It’s also a good rule to avoid off-color humor; you never know when someone might take offense, and it’s best not to risk it.
o Talk about what other people think you do well. Don’t add the preamble, “My friends think I’m a competent social organizer.” Just go out and say it with the right touch of confidence and humility. Women tend to underestimate their overall job performance,[5] so be aware of that before you second-guess or undercut yourself, because it’s unlikely to get you a job.
o Don’t criticize your former employer. When you’re talking about your past experience, be courteous about your former places of employment. Be honest about your experience — what you liked and disliked — but don’t indict your former boss unnecessarily. Your class and restraint will shine through.
Be personable. Try to come off as a genuinely likable person if you can. If you’re cynical, pessimistic, and absolutely disabused of any faith in humanity, try to tone it down during the interview. Being personable is about getting the interviewer’s emotional side to like you and believe in you. Employers don’t always hire the candidates most qualified for the job, but rather the candidates they like the best.
Part 3 of 3: After the Interview
Shake hands with the interviewer and exchange pleasantries. Try to invest some feeling into the handshake and pleasantries, even if you think you bombed the interview. The interviewer should give you a time frame for when to expect to get a callback, if applicable.
o Hold your head high and keep your cool. Your emotions are probably teetering at the highest of highs or the lowest of lows, but try to stay measured. Project a cool confidence — not cockiness — and walk out of the interview with your head held high.
o If the interviewer does not tell you when they will contact you if you’re a good fit for the position, it’s appropriate to ask, “When can I expect to hear back from you about the position?” This will prove important later on.
Send a thank-you letter to your interviewer and/or liaison. Now is a good time to thank the person you interviewed with, even if it’s just a formality. You can say something like:
o “Dear [interviewer’s name], Thank you for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you. I remain very impressed by [interviewer’s company], and invite you to contact me if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you about this position.”
o If you missed any important points in your interview you wanted to stress, you may include one or two in the thank-you letter. Keep the points brief, and tie them into a discussion point that you or the interviewer made during the interview.
o If you received any help in getting the interview, follow up with appropriate parts of your network. Inform them that you received an interview, are grateful they helped you in your career search, and would be eager to help them in the future.
Follow up with the interviewer at the appropriate time. You should have received some information about when you could expect to hear back from the employer. The standard time is about two weeks, but it can depend. If you’ve waited past the designated callback date — or the callback date wasn’t set and it’s been two weeks — follow up with the interviewer in a short email. You can say something like:
o “Dear [interviewer’s name], I interviewed at your company [at such and such date], and am still interested in the position if it hasn’t yet been filled. I’d greatly appreciate any information you might have about my candidacy. I look forward to hearing from you.”
o While you can’t control your past experience or the way someone measures you against someone else, you can control how much of your time you dedicate to showing the interviewer you really want the position. Don’t be needy, and don’t be greedy, but be persistent and courteous. You’ll work harder than at least half the other candidates, and it could be the decisive factor in getting a job offer.
We could really use your help!
Can you tell us about
Can you tell us about
Can you tell us about
fashion shows?
Can you tell us about
managing employees?

Textul de la lectia a 22-a engleza “The woman from Samaria”

Chapter 4
Jesus talks to a woman from Samaria

v1 The *Pharisees heard the news that many people were joining Jesus’ group of *disciples. They heard that Jesus was *baptising more *disciples than John. v2 (But really Jesus himself did not *baptise anyone. It was only Jesus’ *disciples who *baptised people.) v3 So, when the *Lord knew about this, he left Judea. He returned to Galilee. v4 On his way, Jesus had to go through Samaria.
v5 He came to a town in Samaria called Sychar. It was near to the piece of land that Jacob had given to his son, Joseph, many years earlier. v6-8 Jacob’s well was there. Jesus was tired after his journey. He sat down by the well. It was about 6 in the evening. His *disciples had gone to buy food in the town. A woman from Samaria came to the well because she wanted to get some water. Jesus said to her, ‘Give a drink to me.’ v9 The woman from Samaria said to him, ‘You are a *Jew and I am a woman from Samaria. Why do you ask me for a drink?’ (The *Jews will not usually even talk to people who belong to Samaria.)
Verses 4-9 Samaria was the part of Israel between Judah (in the south) and Galilee (in the north). The people in Samaria did *worship the *Lord God of Israel. But they *worshipped him in a different way from how Israel’s people *worshipped him. They believed only some of the *Old Testament and they refused to *worship at Jerusalem. As a result of these differences, Israel’s people were not friendly to the people from Samaria.
‘It was about 6 in the evening.’ John wrote that it was the 6th hour. Many Bible teachers think that John means midday. But other Bible teachers think that John means 6 in the evening (*Roman time) here. (See note about John 1:39.)
v10 Jesus answered the woman, ‘You do not know what God can give. I asked you to give a drink to me. But you do not know who I am. If you did know, you would have asked me to give a drink to you. Then I would have given water to you that would cause you to live.’ v11 The woman said, ‘Sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. Where can you get this water that would cause me to live? v12 Jacob, our *ancestor, gave this well to us. He, his sons, and his sheep and goats and cows all drank its water. Are you saying that you are greater than Jacob?’ v13 Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks from this well will get *thirsty again. v14 But I can give a different kind of water. Whoever drinks that kind of water will never get *thirsty again. The water that I will give to him will become a well inside him. That well will continue to give fresh water that will cause him to live always.’ v15 The woman said to him, ‘Sir, give this water to me. Then I will never get *thirsty again. And I will not have to continue to come here so that I can get water.’
v16 Jesus said to her, ‘Go, fetch your husband. Then return here.’ v17 The woman replied, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You are right when you say, “I have no husband.” v18 The fact is that you have had 5 husbands. And now you live with a man who is not your husband. What you have said is quite true.’ v19 The woman said to him, ‘Sir, I can see that you are a *prophet. v20 Our *ancestors *worshipped on this mountain. But you *Jews say that Jerusalem is the right place to *worship God.’
v21 Jesus spoke to her with authority, ‘Believe me, woman. Soon you will not *worship the Father either on this mountain or at Jerusalem. v22 You people from Samaria do not really know what you *worship. But we *Jews do know what we *worship. The way that God has made to save people comes from the *Jews. v23 But soon, people will really *worship the Father. Really, it is that time already. Those people who really want to *worship the Father will *worship him from their *spirits. The Father looks for people who will *worship him like that. v24 God is *spirit. Those people who *worship him must *worship from their *spirits. They must really want to *worship God.’ v25 The woman said to Jesus, ‘I know that the *Messiah will come. He is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.’ v26 Then Jesus replied, ‘I, who am speaking to you, am he.’
Verses 20-21 ‘This mountain’ means a mountain in Samaria called Gerizim. That was where the people from Samaria *worshipped God.

Lectia a 22-a engleza grupa mixta 22.11.2014

Ex. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous
1. Complete the following sentences to practice the Present Perfect Simple after BECAUSE.
EX. I can’t watch the programme any longer….(the TV set / to be broken)
I can’t watch the programme any longer because the TV set has been broken.

a. I cannot tell you how John is (he/not to write) us for long.
b. I am very happy…(the party/to be) a success.
c. We cannot read any more …(the light / to be switched off).
d. The students know to solve this exercise…(the teacher / to show) them.
e. We do not know who is the winner ..(the result / not to be posted) yet.
f. We understand this text…(the new words / to be explained) by the teacher.
g. He is pleased with himself…(he/to get) the prize.

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous:
I (to work) never before in an office where all the equipment is so new. 2. Please excuse my dirty hand; I (to repair) my car. 3. We are in a hurry, we not (to have) dinner yet. 4. Alice needs a holiday as she (to work) too hard. 5. I (to see) two plays at the National Theatre this winter. 6. How long you (to read) in the library? The professor (to lecture) for half an hour. 8. My sister (to write) to me twice this week. 9. What books (to bring) to school with you? 10. Who (to use) my pen? It doesn’t write properly any longer. 11 how much money you (to spend) today? 12. Mind you don’t slip on the floor; I (to wash it). 13. Jane (to be) absent from school for five days. 14. How long your colleague (to write) poems? How many poems (to write)? 15. Today I (to work) since morning and (not finished) yet. 16. I (to phone) you for at least one hour. Where (to be) you? 17. It (not to rain) in this region for a long time. 18. They left our town ten years ago and we (not to see) them since. 19. The wind (to blow) for two hours and I can’t stand it any longer.


Additional phrases

I am on the passenger list for flight RO 725 Figurez pe lista de calatori pentru cursa RO725.
I must have my luggage inspected, weighed and labeled/tagged bagajele trebuie sa-mi fie inspectate, cantarite si inregistrate.
Make haste as the plane is about to take off grabiti-va intrucat avionul este gata de decolare
The announcer invites the passengers to board the plane crainicul invita calatorii sa se urce in avion
The pilot has already started the engines pilotul a pornit déjà motoarele
Miss/Stewardess/Hostess… Domnisoara stewardesa…
…will you show me my seat? Vreti sa ma conduceti la locul meu?
…will you come up to me and help me ajust/fasten my safety belt? Vreti sa veniti pana la mine sis a ma ajutati sa-mi aranjez/fixez centura de siguranta?
What altitude are we flying at? La ce altitudine zburam?
We must be to 10.000 metres already. Suntem la 10.000 metri déjà
There comes the stewardess. Lunch is being served. Iata insotitoarea de bord. Se serveste gustarea.
May I smoke in the plane? Pot fuma in avion?
Smoking is forbidden … Fumatul este interzis .
The plane is on the ground. Avionul este la sol
The plane is taking off. Avionul decoleaza
We are flying through clouds; the clouds are breaking zburam printre nori; norii se destrama
What speed are we flying at? Cu ce viteza zburam?
It doesn’t seem to be going any pace at all. Am impresia ca nu facem nici un pas inainte
This is a soundproof cabin cabina este izolata fonic
From my seat I can see the propellers de pe locul meu pot vedea elicele
We are beginning to descend incepem sa coboram
The pilot ..pilotul
..steers west ward towards…vireaza spre vest catre
…bring the plane down so low that we wonder it does not touch the sky scrapers …adduce avionul atat de jos incat ne miram ca nu atinge zgarie-norii
The plane is landing avionul aterizeaza
The palne is circling over the airfield avionul se roteste deasupra aeroportului
The pilot makes a perfect landing pilotul realizeaza o aterizare perfecta
The steps are driven up este adusa scara
The passengers begin to alight calatorii incep sa coboare
Did you enjoy travelling by air? Ti-a placut calatoria cu avionul?
Have you been airsick? Ai avut rau de aer?
Did you hit any air-pockets? Ati intalnit vreun gol de aer?
We ran into an air-pocket and the plane began rocking a little am intrat intr-un gol de aer si avionul a inceput sa se legene putin
The plane was delayed on account of a heavy storm avionul a suferit o intarziere din cauza unei furtuni puternice
Pack all you need in a cabin bag impachetati ceea ce aveti nevoie in geanta d emana
Carry valuables personally transportati personal obiectele de valoare
To get an air sick a avea rau de avion

Air hostess stewardez(a)
Blind landing aterizare fara vizibilitate
Air liner avion (mare) de calatori
Jet plane avion cu reactive
Ambulance plane avion sanitary
Luggage/baggage hold cabina/cala pentru bagaje
Cabin/compartment cabina/compartiment pasageri
Wing aripa
Cockpit carlinga
Propeller elice
Fuselage fuselaj
Undercarriage wheels tren de aterizare
Air currents curenti de aer
Crew echipaj
Airshed, hangar = hangar
Aircraft mechanic mecanic de bord
Weather office oficiul de meteorology
Space boat nava spatial
Parachute parasuta
Ground staff personal de la sol
Dive, nose-dive picaj
Auto(matic) pilot pilot automat
Glider; gliding planor; planorism
Radar equipment; radar (echipament)
Wireless operator radio-telegrafist
Adjustable/reclining chair scaun rabatabil
Radio beacon(s) semnal(e) radio
Control tower turn de control
Good/exceptional/poor visibility; visibility nul vizibilitate buna/exceptional/redusa; 0
Flight; motorless-; blind-; all-weather flying zbor; -fara motor; – fara vizibilitate; – pe orice vreme
Deafening noise zgomot asurzitor
To make a forced landing a face o aterizare fortata
To refuel a se alimenta
To be linked by air lines A avea legaturi aeriene
To hijack a deturna /rapi un avion
To board a plane a urca la bordul unui avion
Seat-comfort – confortul locului (ocupat)
Leave it open sa lasam necompletata data de intoarcere
Round-trip ticket bilet pentru zbor dus-intors
Point-to point flight zbor direct
Open-dated return bilet cu data de intoarcere necompletata
Dated ticket bilet cu data stabilita
Gratuitions in flight and on the ground gratuitati pe durata zborului si la sol
Outward journey calatorie externa

Lectia a 21-a engleza grupa mixta 19.11.2014

Verb Tense
Basic Rule: Use the same verb tense whenever possible within a sentence or paragraph.Do not shift from one tense or another unless there is a valid reason.

Incorrect: Joan came home last week and goes to her home in the country where she spends the last weekend of her vacation.
Correct: Joan came home last week and went to her home in the country where she spent the last weekend of her vacation.

Principal Parts of Verbs.
We indicate tense by changing the verb itself or by combining certain forms of the verb with auxiliary verbs.The verb tenses from which we derive every form of a verb are called the principal parts.The principal parts of a verb are:
1 The Present Tense: talk,write
2 The Past Tense: talked,wrote
3 The Present Perfect: have talked,has written

Verbs are classified as regular ( or weak) and irregular(or strong) , according to the way in which their participle parts are formed.Regular verbs form their past tense and present perfect tense by the addition of -ed to the infinitive:

Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect Tense
Talk Talked Has(have) talked
Help Helped Has(have) helped
Walk Walked Has(have) walked
The principal parts of irregular verbs are formed by changes in the verb itself:
Present Tense Past Tense Present Perfect Tense
See Saw Has(have) seen
Say Said Has(have) said
Go Went Has(have) gone
Principal parts of common irregular verbs

Present Past Past participle
Arise Arose Arisen
Be Was/were Been
Bear Bore Borne
Become Became Become
Begin Began Begun
Bid Bade Bid/bidden
Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Bring Brought Brought
Build Built Built
Buy Bought Bought
Catch Caught Caught
Choose Chose Chosen
Cling Clung Clung
Come Came Come
Cut Cut Cut
Do Did Done
Draw Drew Drawn
Drink Drank Drunk
Drive Drove Driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feed Fed Fed
Feel Felt Felt
Fight Fought Fought
Find Found Found
Fly Flew Flown
Flee Fled Fled
Fling Flung Flung
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Forgive Forgave Forgiven
Freeze Froze Frozen
Get Got Got
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone
Grow Grew Grown
Hang (a person) Hanged Hanged
Hang(an object) Hung Hung
Hear Heard Heard
Hide Hid Hidden
Hold Held Held
Hurt Hurt Hurt
Keep Kept Kept
Know Knew Known
Lay Laid Laid
Lead Led Led
Leave Left Left
Lend Lent Lent
Lie Lay Lain
Light Lit,lighted Lit,lighted
Lose Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Meet Met Met
Ride Rode Ridden
Ring Rang Rung
Rise Rose Risen
Run Ran Run
See Saw Seen
Send Sent Sent
Shake Shook Shaken
Shook Shot Shot
Shrink Shrank,shrunk Shrunk,shunken
Sit Sat Sat
Slay Slew Slain
Sleep Slept Slept
Slide Slid Slid
Speak Spoke Spoken
Spend Spent Spent
Spin Spun Spun
Spring Spreang,sprung Sprung
Stand Stood Stood
Steal Stole Stolen
Sting Stung Stung
Strive Strove Striven
Swear Swore Sworn
Swim Swam Swum
Swing Swung Swung
Take Took Taken
Teach Taught Taught
Tear Tore Torn
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Throw Threw Thrown
Wake Waked,woke Waked,woken
Wear Wore Worn
Weave Wove Woven
Win Won Won
Wring Wrung Wrung
Write Wrote written

Drill VII:
Choose the correct form of the verb.
1 (hanged,hung) The picture was ___on the wall nearest the bay window.
2 (sown,sewed) She has ___the hem on the skirt perfectly.
3 (frozen,friezed,froze) The water has not ___ on the pound sufficiently.
4 (lent,loaned) The bank ___him the required money.
5 (drank,drunk) He___all the poison from the vial.
6 (flang,flinged,flung) He___the papers on the desk and ran out of the room.
7 (lieing,lying,laying)You have been ___on the beach for over two hours.
8 (losed,lost) He had to pay a fine because he ___ the book.
9 (hanged,hung) The outlaw was ___ in the town square.
10 (rang,rung) They ___ the bell so softly that we didn’t hear it.
Drill IX:
Write the correct form of the verb.You may wish to refer to the verb chart.
1 (come) A gentleman has ___ to see you.
2 (suppose) Bill was ___ to telephone you last night.
3 (begin) My friend has ___to get impatient.
4 (catch) He has ___a serious cold.
5 (sing) He could ___ before large groups , if he were asked to.
6 (sing)She has ___before large groups several times.
7 (go)They have already ___ to theater
8 (give) He has ___ me excellent advice.
9 (devote) He is ___ to his parents.
10 (build) The engineer has designed and ___his own home.

When we use the Perfect Tenses.
Basic Rule: Use the Present Perfect for an action begun in the past and extended to the present.
Example: I am glad you are here at last;I have waited an hour for you to arrive.
Explanation: In this case I waited would be incorrect.The action have waited (present perfect) began in the past and extended to the present.

Basic Rule: Use the Past Perfect for an action begun and completed in the past before some other past action.
Example: The foreman asked what had happened to my eye.
Explanation: In this case , what happened would be incorrect.The action asked and the action had happened (past perfect) are used because one action(regarding the speaker’s eye) is “more past” than other (the foreman’s asking).

Basic Rule: Use the Future Perfect for an action begun at any time and completed in the future.
Example: When I reach Chicago tonight, my uncle will have left for Los Angeles.
Explanation: In this case,the action will have left is going to take place before the action reaches, although both actions , the action completed first is expressed in the future perfect tense.

Drill X:
In the following sentences ,select the correct verb tense.
1 (cheer,have cheered,cheered) When he spoke,all the people ___ him.
2 (it/was/be) Since he ___ late,he didn’t receive a gift.
3 (had completed/have completed) I am told that you ___the job.
4 (had completed/have completed) I was told you that you ____ the job.
5 (are/were) We were taught that vitamins ___ important for our well-being.

Ex. Ask questions in the simple past tense or present perfect (simple or continuous), using the prompts below each of them:

1. It’s snowing. How long/snow? How long ago/start/snow? When/start/snow?
2. I’m learning Japanese. How long/learn? How long ago/start/learn? When /start/learn?
3. We know Mary and John quite well. How long/know? How long ago/first/meet? When/first/meet?
4. I’ve got a camera. How long/have? How long ago/buy? When/buy?
5. This jacket is so old! Got to get a new one. How long ago/get? When/buy?
6. It took me a long time to become a good doctor, and there are still many things I don’t know. How long/take? How long/learn? When/start/learn?
7. We used to live in Brasov. That was before I went to University, but I’ll never get used to Bucharest. How long/live in Brasov? How long ago/move from Brasov? How long?live in Bucharest? When/come to Bucharest?
8. I’ve been working here doing the same thing long enough. Time for a change in my life.
Since when/work here? How long/do the same thing? How long ago/start work? How long/feel/time for a change? When/get bored with this job?
Ex. Are the underlined parts of sentence right R or wrong W? Correct the wrong ones:

1. I’ve lost my glasses, I can’t find them anywhere….R….
2. When have you lost them?….W…. When DID you LOSE
3. Where have you been last Sunday?….
4. I’m looking for Jane. Have you seen her?…..
5. I’m starving! I’ve learnt all day and haven’t had time to eat anything….
6. Did you see “Gone with the Wind”?…..
7. When did you see it?….
8. Mr. Dombey has worked in a bank for 10 years; then he was made redundant and decided to start his own business……
9. Ms. Wilkins is a teacher. She has been a teacher for 20 years, more precisely, since she has left her job at the bank…..
10. When I got home last night, I was so tired, I went straight to bed….
11. I just got home and didn’t have time to check my answering machine…..

Lectia a 20-a engleza grupa mixta 15.11.2014 – Textul Carmel Alert

The Carmel Alert – November 14th 2014
David’s Comment: Ever Increasing Pressure on Israel
Isaiah 59:19 When the enemy comes in like a flood ………..
If you are monitoring current events here in Israel and reading the news items that we are sending out in the Carmel Alert, you will be very aware that since the war with Hamas in Gaza ended three months ago, there has been a very evidence increase pressure, both local and international, coming against Israel. For those of you who are aware of the information that has been circulating for the last 12 months or so about the Tetrads, or four blood red moons, without jumping to presumptuous conclusions, it is very interesting to note that the Gaza war occurred just a few weeks after the first blood red Moon on the first night of Passover back in April. As a result of Israel’s necessity to defend her citizens, and to put a stop to the incessant rocket and mortar fire on the towns of southern Israel, most political leaders and almost the entire secular media unfairly criticised Israel for the deaths, the injuries, and the damage done to the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.
Almost immediately it became very obvious that there had been a shift or step up in the spiritual and natural realms concerning Israel, particularly into specific areas – a very noticeable increase in the level of anti-Semitism and open hatred towards the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, and a noticeable increase in the level of political pressure on Israel government particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu. This shift or step up was bad enough before the season of the Fall Biblical Feasts, the following the second blood red moon on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles in early October, there seems to have been an even greater shift or step up of activity against Israel, in both of the above areas.
During and since the Feast of Tabernacles, there has been a dramatic increase in violent attacks against Jews in East Jerusalem and the so-called West Bank areas. There have been two attacks on innocent citizens in Jerusalem, where terrorists have used their motor vehicle as a weapon, driving directly into the people standing at the light rail train stops. So far five people, including a three-month-old baby had been killed in this new wave of terror. It will not surprise us if we start to see copycat attacks of this type taking place, in other parts of the world. Also since the Feast of Tabernacles the Temple Mount has seen an increase in the level of rioting and violence. At one point two weeks ago, the violence was so bad, the Israeli security forces were forced to lock the rioters inside the Al Aqsa mosque. Following the shooting of a rabbi who heads up one of the Jewish organisations pushing for the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount, and the killing of the terrorist responsible, the situation intensified. Now there is rioting and violent opposition to the Israeli security forces in East Jerusalem on an almost daily basis.
To make matters worse, last weekend in the Galilee town of Cana, where Yeshua perform His first miracle and turned the water into wine at the wedding, an Israeli Arab attacked a police van with a large knife. The police inside the van pursued the attacker and shot them dead, causing a fresh up break of rioting and violence in Cana and other Arab towns in the Galilee. We may well see the violence continuing to escalate, and the Intifada or uprising that has been threatened by the so-called Palestinians over the last few weeks, become a very serious reality, not just in Jerusalem and the West Bank, but in many other parts of Israel. Please pray that this does not become the case.
The other area where we are seeing this increase or escalation, it is the political pressure, from especially the United States and the European Union on the Israeli government, to bow down to the demands of the Moslem world, to stop the building programs in the settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and to give the so-called Palestinians, large portions of the land that God promised to Abraham and his descendants (through Isaac and Jacob), to establish their illegitimate state. I say illegitimate, because the land, all of the land actually belongs to God and it is holy to Him, and he warned the Israelites not to divide it, sell it, or do anything with it. Furthermore on several occasions he warned the Israelites not to make covenants with the neighbours, as He knows what they are really up to – the slow, but gradual destruction of Israel – to prevent the 2nd coming of the Messiah.
As I have written on many occasions, the return of Yeshua, can only take place when Israel is fully restored, and so it is very obvious that the devil is using the Moslem world, the politicians, and the secular media to oppose the restoration of Israel in a desperate attempt to stop the second coming of Messiah. The pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu is enormous, particularly from President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, and the leaders of the European Union, who are doing their utmost to threaten and manipulate the Prime Minister to bow down to their demands. It is absolute wickedness and the body of Messiah me to come against it in prayer and intercession. It is WAR – and the Church needs to wake up and wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of the kingdom of God.
You may have noticed, as we have, that over the last few weeks, the media no longer refers to the Temple Mount, but calls it “the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound” or “Noble Sanctuary.” Obviously the secular media has been coerced by the Moslems to do so. It is all a part of Satan’s propaganda war against Israel and the Kingdom of God, and is a major cause of the increasing pressure and hatred against Israel.
Josie has a word that she believes came from the Holy Spirit just a few days ago, and she will be sharing that word in next week’s comment. In the meantime, please take what I have written this week very seriously, as it is indeed extremely serious, and pray for the situation in Israel as you have never prayed before. As a wrote a few weeks ago, every Christian need to take what is happening in Israel personally, as it is the Kingdom of our God, and the Kingdom that we are looking forward to spending eternity in that is under attack,
As the pressure on Israel increases, please increase your prayer – as I wrote a few weeks ago, when it comes to Israel …. Take it personally
The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Please pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Please also pray for a major break-through to the Muslim world, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF – they are defending and fighting for the soon coming of Messiah and the Kingdom of God.
Shabbat Shalom …. David & Josie

El Poderoso de Israel

Textul de azi la engleza Lectia a 19-a “Carmel Alert”

1. Josie’s Comment: Every Knee Shall Bow
Isaiah 60:14 Also the sons of your afflicters shall come bowing to you; and all your despisers will bow down at the soles of your feet. And they will call you, The city of Jehovah, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
2. Since the end of the summer war with Hamas in Gaza, there is a very clear shift in the level of public hatred against Israel and a significant increase in the level of politcal pressure coming against the government of Israel. This ushers in a new era for Israel and the Jewish people. It is apparent that a quiet and peaceful existance for Israel is not yet on the horizon, the visible one at least.
3. While I was in Germany several years ago, I was reading a book and I came across a scripture in that book from Isaiah 60:14 “Also the sons of those who afflicted you, shall come bowing to you, and all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet. Instantly, when I read this, and specifically when I read the part “shall come bowing to you” the story of Joseph flashed through my mind .
4. When I read these words the scripture from Genesis 37:7 also came across my mind … “Then behold my sheaf arose and also stood upright, and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed to my sheaf”. What a picture of Israel and the nations today ! Just as Joseph’s brothers hated him and could not speak peaceably to him (Genesis37:4) and despised him, so the Muslim Arab nations (Israel’s brother) and most of the other nations of the world today, virulently hate and despise Israel. It is interesting to note also in verse 3 of this chapter, that it says Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children, a parallel of God’s unconditional love and favor when He chose Israel to be His special people, simply because He loved them (Deuteronomy 7:6-8).
5. The nations that despise, hate and afflict Israel, will, as it is written in Is 60.14 (and just as it came true in the story of Joseph) eventually come and bow and fall prostrate at the feet of The Holy One of Israel. Just as Joseph was to the nations around him in that time, a provider and sustainer of life, and everyone, who wanted to survive, came to him and bowed before him, to receive grain and wheat. So it will surely be in that day, as written, that everyone who wants to receive life and be sustained will need to come Up to Zion to receive their portion and will also bow before the One who will release sustenance. It will be just as it is written in Jeremiah 31:12 “Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion, streaming to the goodness of the Lord, for wheat , wine and oil. I believe the spiritual interpretation of those three commodities, is The Word, Joy, and Annointing. The nations will come for natural and spiritual provision.
6. Oh, what a day that will be. God’s word is true and it will come to pass. What a privilege we all have in this day, to come and worship and bow down before The Lord God our maker. Let’s continue to intercede and stand in the gap . My prayer is . Lord help us to have a Joseph spirit – to be faithful, committed, to endure,, to trust You, and to have eyes of vision and a spirit full of faith, that we might all see the “dream” for Israel finally be fulfilled.
7. The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defense of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Please pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Please also pray for a major break-through to the Muslim world, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF – they are defending and fighting for the soon coming of Messiah and the Kingdom of God.