Lectia a 11-a engleza incepatori, partea a 2-a. Textul John’s Gospel

(atentionare: lectiile de la aceasta sectiune vor fi postate in continuare la rubrica “Engleza avansati” datorita formarii unei grupe mixte)

continuare textul Evangheliei dupa Ioan in engleza (John’s Gospel)


v26 John replied, ‘I *baptise people with water. But there is someone here among you that you do not know. v27 It is he who comes after me. I am not good enough even to take off his shoes.’ v28 All these things happened at a place east from the Jordan river. It was a village called Bethany. John was *baptising people there.
v29 The next day, John saw Jesus, who was coming towards him. John said, ‘Look! Here is God’s Lamb (young sheep), who takes away the world’s *sin. v30 This is the man that I told you about. I told you, “It is he who comes after me. But he is greater than I am. He was already there before I was born.” v31 I did not know him. But I had to show Israel’s people who he was. That is why I am *baptising people with water.’ v32 John told them, ‘I saw God’s Spirit come down from the sky. He came like a dove (a kind of bird) and he stayed on Jesus. v33 I would not have known who Jesus was. But God had sent me to *baptise people with water. And God told me, “You will see the Spirit come down. He will stay on someone. That is the person who will *baptise people with my Holy (completely good) Spirit.” v34 Now I have seen this. So, I can tell you that this is God’s Son.’
Verses 29 and 36 John the *Baptist called Jesus ‘God’s Lamb’ (young sheep). This would have caused the people to remember the young sheep that they killed for the *Passover meal. Israel’s people also killed young sheep at other times, so that God would *forgive their *sins. Jesus Christ was God’s *Lamb, who came to die on our behalf. He came to save us from *sin.
John was called ‘the *Baptist’ because he *baptised people in water.

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